
happytime rtmp server release

Happytime rtmpserver is a simple, lightweight, high-performance, and stable stream server. It can be used to stream local media files, screenlive, camera, microphone, live video/audio content to adobe flash player clients over RTMP protocol. It developed based on C/C++, the code is stable and reliable, cross-platform porting is simple and convenient, and the code is clear and concise. The server is written to be lightweight and easy to understand, while having good performance, very low latency, video opened immediately. Happytime rtmpserver supports linux, windows, macos, ios, android, embeded linux platforms, supports cross-compiler, can be easily ported to other platforms Features RTMP live streaming Playing from local filesystem, lvie screen, camera, microphone H264/AAC support Suppport transcoding with FFmpeg Support rtsp relay

Order Information

The minimum quantity for this product is 1 units.
The maximum quantity for this product is units.
Unit Price:298.00 USD


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